Fireflies…dragonflies…all sorts of flying creatures!
Oh yes, and let’s not forget:
Gotta love summer.
I guess another sign of summer is that suddenly everybody’s feeling the pressure to get in shape, and my friend Peanut is no exception. She confided in me that she was desperate for a frog, that she really needed it for a new “health treatment.”
Huh. I don’t know about you, but I never heard of any health treatment that called for frogs, and I’m not sure that I would really want anything to do with it even if I knew what it was about. Of course I would help Peanut; I always try to help my townies out when they ask for help. OK, well, at least the ones I like.
Now the pressure was on, though, because Groucho had already asked me to help him find a Barbel Steed. But then Peanut got so insistent, and sounded so desperate:
I’m not sure why she refers to a frog as a fishy, but she does. Anyway, suffice it to say that I did feel compelled to “reprioritize,” and it only took a few minutes.
And at least she was appreciative when I gave her the “fishy.”
In fact, she was so grateful that she gave me, of all things, a Barbel Steed. Just what Groucho wanted; how considerate! I wasted no time in running that baby over to him, too, because I felt a bit guilty about reprioritizing him like I did.
I really couldn’t tell if he was holding a grudge or not. At any rate, it certainly wasn’t the warm and fuzzy response I’d received from helping Peanut out.
But then, Groucho turned around, dug deep into his pocket, and gave me a Spanish Shirt.
I was speechless. A Spanish Shirt? A Spanish Shirt??? Are you kidding me? Isn’t that the same Spanish Shirt you literally BEGGED me for just yesterday? And now not only do you NOT want it, but you want to give it to me as a gift?
I counted to five and reminded myself that Groucho is old and, um, grouchy, and his memory isn’t what it used to be, and that he probably didn’t mean to be so rude. I bit my tongue and let it slide and chalked it all up to a lovely case of “what goes around comes around.”
Gotta love karma.