*an "Animal Crossing City Folk" town


Sunday, May 31, 2009

Our New Windmill and A Minor Crisis

As Refreshing as an Afternoon Breeze

This is, of course, the biggest news in Kashton.

Our New Windmill

Tortimer was there to officiate and celebrate. And naturally, to add his two cents’ worth of wisdom:

No Money For a Party

Frankly, I don’t know what he’s complaining about, because it’s not as if the bells for the windmill came out of HIS pocket. I mean, seriously. He’s not the one who’s been furiously playing the stalk market, trying to earn the “princely sum” of one million bells.

Anyway, I shrugged it off and told myself that that’s just Tortimer taking his mayoral responsibilities a bit too seriously. After all, he is a politician. But then just as I was settling down, he busted out with this gem:

What are you saying?

Now what is THAT supposed to mean? Does Tortimer think that Kashton is stale? Do I have to remind him that he is an elected official? And as the mayor, isn’t it also a part of his duties to promote tourism and to court new residents?

Ah, who am I kidding? We all know Tortimer’s not much more than a ribbon-cutter, anyway, but shouldn’t even a ribbon-cutter be a little more upbeat?

Am I being too defensive?

It’s only because I have poured my heart and my soul into making Kashton a great town, and I think I’ve done a pretty good job! Considering that throughout this process I’ve never called on him once, and that 99% of Tortimer’s time is spent snoozing behind his desk, you’d think he could at least fake a little celebratory spirit?

Why does he have to be such a buzz-kill?

OK, rant over.

To tell you the truth I had more pressing matters occupying my thoughts in Kashton. The biggest emergency happened when the Wii accidentally got turned off with the game running. It’s never fun when that happens.


But that wasn’t the worst of it. The worst came the next day, for I didn’t even realize anything had happened until the next day. So Resetti was my first clue that something was amiss in Kashton. After we finished having out little “chat” and I started walking around, it became clear that there were more serious consequences to be dealt with:




Never have I seen so many wilted flowers! And this in a town, where not a day goes by without a thorough watering! It is rare that we have even a single wilted flower in Kashton. No, this was tragic. But at least I caught it in time and it wasn’t a total catastrophe.

It did get very hectic, though.

No sooner did I commence running around like a watering maniac, then who should I bump into but Sahara!


So naturally, I had to incorporate a visit with each and every townie into my frantic watering emergency.

Now I was running around like a lunatic trying to keep track of where I’ve been and who I’ve visited, trying to water, looking for old floors, and it’s getting late. (My town is set four hours behind my real time.)

Then, when I got to Mac’s house I discovered that he was really sick and needed my help. Since I don’t usually carry medicine around in my pockets, I immediately suspended all watering and old floor quests until I could get to Nook’s and bring some relief to poor Mac.

Mac's Sick

Even after taking his medicine, Mac’s symptoms were only somewhat alleviated.

Mac's still sick

But I had done all I that I could do for him for the day, and quickly remembered I still had important work to attend to. My flowers were brown and Sahara was waiting.

My newest townie, Whitney is a pretty white wolf, and she’s been in Kashton about ten days or so. While this is plenty of time to get to know a resident, Whitney’s so snooty that I’d pretty much been ignoring her. I also was harboring a silent grudge because her house plunked right down in the middle of my beautiful, until-then-uninhabited island. But I was in a hurry and I didn’t have time to mess around; I needed an old floor and I needed it now!

You know how it goes, you get the usual excuses: “Oh, I just got rid of my old floor this morning,” or, “I don’t have old stuff; my stuff is vintage. Anyway, nothing is old enough to throw away.” In general, though, the townies are sympathetic to the plight of wanting to appease Sahara. So I get to Miss Whitney’s house and I’m not overly hopeful, but still, you never know, right?

Silly me, what was I thinking? Whitney? Old floors???



Consider me informed. Whitney is not the type to take other people’s cast-off’s. What?

I wasn’t freaking asking her to TAKE a freaking cast-off!!! I was asking her to GIVE me one!!! Jeez, talk about getting bent out of shape.

I shot out of there in such a huff I nearly took out one of my precious wilted hybrids.

In the end I only managed to scrounge up two measly old floors, for which Sahara gave me a Fancy Carpet – hardly worth the effort! And eventually I finished watering every square acre of our town. I am happy to report that there wasn’t even a single casualty


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