*an "Animal Crossing City Folk" town


Monday, May 25, 2009

Welcome to Kashton

Hi, I'm Kashi!

Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing City Folk,ACCF,AC:CF,City Folk

Animal Crossing City Folk,Animal Crossing,ACCF,AC:CF,City Folk

Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing City Folk,ACCF,AC:CF,City Folk

Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing City Folk,ACCF,AC:CF,City Folk

Animal Crossing,Animal Crossing City Folk,ACCF,AC:CF,City Folk

I live in and run the Animal Crossing City Folk town, Kashton. That’s right, the town is named after me. And why not? I mean, Kashton is my town. After all, I created it.

As of this writing, Kashton is about 3 ½ months old, so it’s really progressed since its inception. While the Kashton blog was launched some time ago, it didn’t get off the ground until now. Unfortunately as well, I didn’t get an SD card until the town was already an entire month old, and there are no records of the early days of Kashton, which is really a shame because by AC standards, Kashton is already a mature town.

Nevertheless, despite the lack of history depicting how Kashton got to where it is now, the Today in Kashton blog will begin in the present.

Voting is on

Today in Kashton the big news is that voting is on for either a lighthouse or a windmill in our town. I gave this a lot of thought and postponed my voting for several days while I deliberated.

My online research turned up a number of interesting facts. Namely, that I wasn’t the first person to have this consuming internal debate. Apparently in City Folk, the only purpose both the lighthouse and the windmill serve, aside from decoration, is to increase a town’s “luck.” The lighthouse attracts rare fish to your waters and the windmill increases your town’s status, thereby increasing the chances of your town reaching Perfect Town Status. Since Kashton has been in PTS for quite some time now, this wasn’t much of a deciding factor.

Despite my excitement at the prospect of attracting rare fish to Kashton, I was really drawn to the eco-sensibility of a windmill and was strongly leaning that way. I know that in the Game Cube version of Animal Crossing, the lighthouse had a task associated with it: occasionally Tortimer would ask you to turn it on when he was away out of town. The windmill never had any task associated with it, and although I found one posting on a board that said the same lighthouse task occurred in City Folk, I could find no confirmation of this anywhere.

In the end, I cast my vote for the windmill, preferring to put my money where my mouth is about harnessing the power of the wind. Once the decision was made, I used my charms to persuade a couple of the other, less active residents of Kashton:


Surprisingly (or not), Lucky also cast his vote for the windmill.

I even had to wake ♥Poot♥ up for the occasion, although she wasn’t too happy about it.


Guess which way she voted?

While he was out of his house, Lucky took the opportunity to go to the city, where he finally joined the HRA:


- and learn his first emotion, delight:


He’s adorable!

Later, I was anxious to see what was going on behind the scenes, so I checked in with Pelly.


As you can see, Pelly wouldn’t betray even a hint at which way the voting was going. She has way too much integrity to ever compromise an election... er ...the voting process!

Well, at least it's reassuring to know that they’re working around the clock on the matter.

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